Saturday 19 December 2015

Dairy Products for Kid’s Healthy Growth

Protein is useful for your muscles, this is a verifiable truth, yet the announcement doesn't give protein full credit. This supplement is additionally critical for bone well-being, which we normally connect with calcium and, in case we're learned on the theme, vitamin D, which is vital for the ingestion of calcium. A late logical survey talks about the communication between four distinct supplements in the upkeep of bone and muscle well-being: calcium, inorganic phosphate, vitamin D and protein. The commentators take note of that protein is vital for the intestinal assimilation of calcium and inorganic phosphate. They additionally take note of that vitamin D assumes a part in calcium assimilation, as well as helps protein in fortifying muscles too.

Dairy Need for Kids

Dairy Products
Connections of these four supplements drove the analysts to announce the critical part dairy products plays in our wellbeing, especially as kid’s age. Supplement supply normally brings down in the body as we age, and an inability to remunerate through dietary changes can prompt wellbeing conditions, for example, osteoporosis and issues connected with muscle shortcoming, for example, falls and cracks. Given the pervasiveness of endless torment, sickness and inability in the overall public, it's vital for individuals to be educated about wholesome systems for aversion.

Dairy Nutrition

Dairy Nutrition
Dairy items contain a four's blend checked on supplements that, commentators say, is ideal for keeping up musculoskeletal quality and honesty as we age. It ought to be noticed that high admission of inorganic phosphate has been connected to expanded rate of mortality and an increased danger of lung malignancy. This substance is a nourishment added substance that is utilized as a stabilizer, hostile to building up specialists and shading or dampness preserver in handled sustenance’s. Obviously, not all wellsprings of the substance are made just as; a high admission of inorganic phosphates from battered chicken bites and prepackaged desserts is never prudent, however a sensible sum from dairy can be a piece of a solid eating routine.

Dairy - The Best Alternative Diet

The significance of dairy products for the support of musculoskeletal wellbeing as we age represents a specific sympathy toward veggie lovers and other people who don't eat dairy. While calcium and vitamin D can be taken in supplement frame or found in vegetables, they do not have the interesting mix of inorganic phosphate and protein that dairy conveys. While a few produce things contain natural phosphate, the body doesn't ingest this and the inorganic assortment. The individuals who don't eat dairy ought to counsel with a nutritionist about the most ideal approach to get the mixed bag of supplements required in the right blend for greatest well-being.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Nutrition’s in Dairy Products

Dairy Products Are Healthy

Choosing a nutritious and healthy diet is what all the doctors suggest. To extract those nutrition’s in your diet you need dairy intake in your meals. Dairy products are enriched with calcium, potassium, vitamin D, proteins and many other nutrition’s and healthy enzymes which makes our body strong. Dairy products and dairy provide us with all the healthy bacteria we need which protects us from germicides which if not taken will leave our health exposed to infections. Dairy products along with health ensures great taste. The nutritious facts about some of the dairy products are:

Dairy Products

Shakarganj foods in Pakistan sells the most nutritiously enriched dairy food products in Pakistan like Good Milk, Dairy Pure etc.


Every glass of milk contains nine essential nutrients, vitamins and nutrients. These powerful nutrients help our body to groom and nourish well. Milk not only strengthens your body parts like bones, teeth and muscles it also keeps you hydrated which makes it a whole lot of important in hot summer months. The main constituent of the milk is water along with all other nutrients. Thus making it a perfect drink. 

YogurtYogurt is prepared from milk it has all the friendly bacteria needed by the body. It is an excellent diet to have in the breakfast to go through a moving and healthy day. The best luxury that yogurt gives is its low on calories i.e. it is a perfect diet for those who are dieting. Yogurt is a milk product which provides healthy probiotics to the body along with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent home remedy for a bad stomach.


CheeseCheese is an absolute delight for all. Cheese is an excellent diet which is often associated with a smile. Cheese is the dairy product which gives complete nutrition to the body from head to toe. The calcium and phosphorus help strengthen bones, proteins help develop healthy muscles and potassium ensures the working of heart by regulating blood pressure. It also provides vitamin A and B12 which keeps us health. One slice a day would ensure healthy and energetic routine. It is one of the most versatile dairy product which almost fits into any diet. From burgers to omelets cheese tastes great in all.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Interesting Facts About Dairy Products

Dairy Products

Milk is an awesome dairy product which can fulfill the entire nutritional requirements of day if taken in a proper quantity. There must be many things that you will be unaware about the dairy products. Here are few of the following facts about these food products which will make your eyes to pop out.

Best Dairy Products

•    Cow can only produce milk if bears a calf.
•    The component which is used as a basic ingredient of cheeses is goat's milk.
•    A mature cow weighs equal to an adult male of the family of poplar bear.
•    Per day a single cow approximately produces 90 glasses.
•    Milk is the only food product which is enriched with calcium.
•    Total volume of the milk contains 85% to 95% of water content.
•    Households up to the level of 99% purchase milk.
•    Milk contains carbohydrates, fibers, fats, vitamins, minerals and calcium.
•    Milk produced by a cow throughout the life can make up round about 200,000 glasses.
•    Milk and dairy products can reduce the chance of obesity.
•    All males are known as bulls while the females are called cows.
•    A glass of milk each day can fulfill the nutritional requirements of the day.
•    About 30% and 12% of teenage boys and girls respectively consume the required quantity of milk.
•    Bones majorly contains calcium and they develop till the age of 30 years. Keep them strong by consuming milk and dairy products.
Please note that this information is given for an increase in your general knowledge. For serious and medical purposes, make sure you consult a doctor.

Monday 18 May 2015

Pakistani Recipes - Ras Malai

Traditional Sweet Dishes of Pakistan

Pakistan is famous for its delicious taste and aroma of dishes. Combining numerous eastern tastes, Pakistani recipes are popular throughout the world. Mostly, our recipes consist of spices which hugely enrich the value of the dish. Though similar taste of a single dish can be seen throughout the country but it tastes delicious wherever eaten. A variety of condiments is used in Pakistani recipes which actually distinguish it from the rest of the world.

Sweet dishes are commonly found to express any scared or joyous occasions all the way through the year. Symbolically, few sweet dishes are reserved for specific events. Within a single family, variation and experiments can be seen on a larger scale than any other cuisine in the entire world.
Other than all of this, they are categorized majorly like:
•    Sweet Dishes
•    Traditional Dishes
•    Contemporary Dishes

Sweet Dishes

They are mostly served after the meals but some are even specified to the occasions. Some of the conventional desserts are:
•    Kheer
•    Ice Cream
•    Sweet Rice
•    Ras Malai
•    Jaleebi
•    Gulab Jaman
•    Sawayaan
•    Laddu
•    Halwa
•    Lassi
•    Juice

Ras Malai

My most favorite and delicious sweet dish- Ras Malai which is one of the popular sweet dishes found in Pakistan. Following ingredients are used to prepare such a yummy dish.


Rasmalai Recipe

•    Good Milk - 1.5 ltr
•    Khoya - 1 Ounce
•    Powdered Milk - 2 Cups
•    Eggs - 2
•    Baking Powder - 1 Tablespoon
•    Cardamom Powder - 1 Tablespoon
•    Yeast - 2 Tablespoons
•    Kewara Essence - 3 Droplets
•    Oil - 2 Tablespoons
•    Pistachios / Almonds - Half Cup


In a saucepan, boil milk and add khoya and kewra essence afterwards. On a low flame, cook the milk properly. In another bowl, prepare a mixture of ghee, milk powder, baking powder and self-rising flour. Add beaten eggs to this mixture and gradually mixture till it becomes smooth.

When done, prepare small balls out of this dough and gently add them to the milk. Cook the dough balls in milk till they do not expand enough to rise to the top of the milk. When the required condition is achieved, turn the flame off. Pour it in a dish and chill.
Garnish it will pistachios and almonds. Serve Chilled!

Friday 15 May 2015

Juice Concentrates

Benefits of Mango Juice Concentrates

Mango is known as the king of all other fruits. It is a delicious fruit which is really beneficial in any form it is consumed. As per the level of nutrients, it is highly enriched. About 5,000 years ago, it was growth on the earth now known as India. This fruit belongs to the season of summer. It is commonly consumed as raw fruit, in salads, as juice concentrates and other forms.

As per the kinds of mangoes, there are so many that differs on taste, nutrients, appearances and certain other features. Mango juice concentrates can be consumed in order to receive a vital range of nutrients with specific amount of calories. Mango contains vitamins, potassium, magnesium, amino acids, iron, calcium, flavonoids and other major nutrients.
Mango Juice Concentrates

Benefits of Mango

•    It is beneficial for the digestion because it contains digestive enzymes. These enzymes help protein to break down proteins in food which improves digestion.

•    Fiber is really significant for constipation which is also present in Mango.

•    If you are suffering for indigestion or any issue related to stomach, eat mango.

•    Being enriched with potassium, mango is really beneficial for controlling blood pressure and heart beat.

•    Mango is really advantageous in controlling cholesterol level which automatically reduces the chances of cancer.

•    Vitamin A is required for better eyesight which is found in mango and securely preserved in juice concentrates.

•    Iron found in mango helps to cure anemia.

•    Regular mango intake in any form helps in the reduction in weight.

•    Mango contains such acids which are necessary for boosting brain health.

•    In significance for children, it is important for the development of active blood cells and better concentration.

•    For better regulation of hormones, Vitamin E is present in mango. Copper found in mango is significant for the blood cells production.

•    Potassium, calcium and phosphorus strengthens bones.

•    Antioxidants in mango helps you look younger and skin glowing. Regeneration of skin cells and their repairing process is easily done due to the intake of mango.

•    Acne problems can also be treated well if mango is rubbed on skin.

Thursday 14 May 2015


How Apple Juice Can Be Beneficial?

You must have heard "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away!" Having a raw form of apple, in salads or in its juice form, makes rare difference. Both are enriched with nutrients. Fresh fruit juices are always beneficial for health and the best part is that they do not have any side effect. Adding fruit beverages in diets can really be helpful to lead a healthy life.

Beverages - Apple Juice

Apple is the most versatile and healthiest fruit enriched with a huge number of nutrients. Central Asian fruit - apple is extensively found being grown all around the globe. China is enlisted on the first position among the producers of apple while followed by United States of America.

Every kind of apple differs in one way or the other but collectively all are really healthy for human health. Due to its incredible offers for a healthy body, it is ranked on dominant most position among fruits family.

Benefits of Apple Juice

Beverages of apple are one of the most favorite encompassing among the huge count of fans. Here are few benefits of apple beverages.

•    Prevention from Asthma

Apple contains flavonoids which are popular as a preventer from asthma. Additionally, they play a significant role in strengthening lungs. Regular intake of apple in any of its forms has shown that it strengthens muscles to an extreme extent.

•    Beneficial for Bones

Nutrients healthy for bones such as vitamin C, boron, iron etc are found in this fruit. These nutrients in combo prove to be really effective for the health of bones. Apples are really advantageous for healthy bones.

•    Healthy for Heart

Source of super antioxidants, apples are really beneficial for heart. Numerous elements like potassium and other minerals present in apple are really essential for heart's health. So, every intake of apple in any of its forms will strengthen your heart and improve its functioning.

•    Better Immune System

Vitamin C found in apples is also beneficial for better functioning of our body defensive system. Our immune system provides better assistance to kill germs such as bacteria and others.

Monday 11 May 2015

Chicken Malai Boti

Pakistani Recipes

Blend of various South Asian traditions in foods can be found in our country. Numerous Pakistani recipes depicts in core culture and traditions through its taste and aroma. There is a diversity found among the people of Pakistan and hence among the food products found as well. Pakistani recipes are hugely influenced by Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Afghan culture while Mughlai fusion is also popular mostly available at restaurants.

As a matter of fact, varieties can be found from region to region which comes with the differences in ethnic group and culture. Availability of spice and seasonal food in Sindh and Punjab is under the influence of South Asian culture. 

As per the core of Pakistani recipes, they are popular for spice and aroma while the recipes are good with the quantity of oil which even makes it mouthful flavored and enriched dishes among the entire world. I would like to share one of my best Pakistani recipes that is Chicken Malai Boti recipe.

Chicken Malai Boti


  • Boneless Chicken - Half kg
  • Yogurt - Half Cup                                                             
  • Good Milk Cream - Half Cup
  • Cumin Power - 1 Tbsp
  • Green Chili Paste - 2 to 3 Tbsp
  • Garam Masala - 1 Tbsp
  • Red Chili Powder - 1 Tbsp
  • Salt - As per requirement
  • Salad Leaves, Onions, Tomatoes - For garnishing
  • Oil - 3 Tbsp
Cut chicken into cubes while mix these chicken pieces along with good milk cream, salt, yogurt, red chili, garam masala powder, green chili paste and cumin powder in a bowl. When done, place them on BBQ sticks. Now, grease the baking/BBQ tray and place the sticks on it. Pour the left over mixture on it. In a preheated oven, place the try at 160'C. After 5 minutes, take it out, turn the side and brush it with oil. Put them again for 5 minutes. Garnish them with onions, tomatoes and salad leaves.
Chicken Malai Boti is ready. Serve!